Vocabulary for patients in French

23 September 2024

This article teaches a French patient-doctor discussion. Remember that the sequence we've provided is fundamental, and the actual discussion may differ in various situations, but these are some basic terms you may use with a doctor. To learn the anatomy of the body in French and understand what the doctor says about your condition, it is worth learning French online with a tutor.Here, you can find a tutor tailored to the student's goals.

French vocabulary about going to the doctor

  • une toux - A cough.
  • le ventre - The stomach.
  • je dois aller - I must go...
  • le dos - The back.
  • Je tousse - I cough.
  • malade - Sick.
  • mal à la gorge - Sore throat.
  • un rhume - A cold.
  • une grippe - The flu.
  • la fièvre - Fever.
  • le médecin - The doctor.
  • une ordonnance - A prescription.
  • chez le médecin - At the doctor's.
  • un rendez-vous - An appointment.
  • des pastilles - Some lozenges.
  • J 'ai besoin de - I need...
  • Des démangeaisons - A itch.
  • ce matin - This morning.
  • pendant la nuit - During the night.
  • ça me pique - It is itchy.
  • des rougeurs - A rash.
  • la gorge - The throat.
  • un médicament - Some medicine.

Example of conversation

Patient: I'm sick. / Je me sens mal.

Doctor: What happened? Let's see… / Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé? Résumons...

Patient: I have a fever, sore throat, and headache. / Maux de tête, gorge douloureuse, fièvre.

Doctor: You have viral fever, so don't worry. Take these medicines for three days. / Vous avez de la fièvre virale, mais ne vous inquiétez pas. Je vais donner des médicaments à prendre pendant trois jours pour que vous vous sentiez mieux.

Patient: What is my diet? / Quel régime, Docteur?

Doctor: Hydrate and rest. / Boire et se reposer.

Patient: How much is the consultation? / Le prix de la consultation, s'il vous plaît?

Doctor: 17 euros

Patient: Thanks. / Merci.